In addition to being culturally and linguistically sustaining spaces, classrooms function as liberatory third spaces (Gutiérrez, 2008) & we spaces (Rodríguez-Valls, 2009) where students are not only seen within, but co-create, schooling processes (Dover & Schultz, 2018). This means challenging banking forms of education that view teachers as the sole holders of knowledge, and students as empty vessels to be filled (Freire, 2018/1970). In doing so, Project LEARN employs forms of inquiry-based, emergent curricular processes through Teacher Action Research (TAR) and Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR), described below.
Teacher Action Research
Teacher Action Research (TAR) is a powerful and transformative process that seeks to improve teachers’ practices by engaging them in critical inquiry and reflection about their teaching, learning, and curriculum (Pine, 2009). Through TAR, teachers identify a specific aspect of their teaching or learning that they wish to improve upon. Once teachers identify their area of focus, they work to “engage in research by identifying their questions, documenting their observations, analyzing and interpreting data in light of their theories, and sharing situated representations with the larger community” (Souto-Manning, 2012, p. 54). The primary purpose of TAR is for teachers to conduct research that leads to transformative actions to their practices and pedagogies, further resulting in deeper educational access, opportunity, and equity for all students (Cochran-Smith & Lytle, 2009).
In Project LEARN, we use action research to
Increase teachers’ sense of, and actual, efficacy when teaching newcomer and emergent plurilingual students;
Examine how translanguaging, culturally and linguistically sustaining pedagogies, and inquiry-based learning can be integrated into academic year programming and policy; and
Strategically position effective teachers of newcomer students as co-creators of district- and regional policy and practice.
Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR)
Drawing from Participatory Action Research (PAR), Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) “seeks to empower the oppressed, challenge social injustices, and helps young people connect to decolonial knowledge(s)” (Desai, 2019, p. 126). YPAR is an inquiry-based process that challenges traditional power structures by placing student voices and knowledge at the center of research investigations (Anyon et al., 2018). Students engaged in YPAR learn to interrogate issues that are directly impacting their lives and become advocates for social change within their communities (Morrell, 2008; Desai, 2019). Involving young people in the process of YPAR is significant, given the fact that youth are rarely acknowledged as potential knowledge producers (Morrell, 2008). Further, YPAR has been shown to improve the educational outcomes of students of Color and other marginalized groups, such as newcomer students and emergent plurilingual students (Domínguez, 2021; Irizarry, 2009).
Our work in Project LEARN positions newcomer and emergent plurilingual students as experts of their communities and lived experiences by engaging them in the process of YPAR. Students engage in a critical cycle of inquiry that “builds understanding, skills, and knowledge of issues, with the goal of promoting change and improvement” (Cook & Krueger-Henney, 2017, p. 181) by selecting an issue of importance to them that they desire to take action on. Teachers assist students in gathering data about their chosen issue, co-analyze and disseminate findings, and work together to create change in policies and practices that directly affect them (Call-Cummings et al., 2020).
What Topics are Students Researching in Project LEARN?
Mental health resources for newcomer immigrant communities
School dress code policies
Street Racing
Food insecurity
Drug abuse
Trash and pollution
Artifacts from Students' YPAR Projects
Exploring Community Issues and Assets with Emergent Plurilingual Students
Anyon, Y., Bender, K., Kennedy, H., & Dechants, J. (2018). A systematic review of youth participatory action research (YPAR) in the United States: Methodologies, youth outcomes, and future directions. Health education & behavior: The official publication of the society for public health education, 45(6), 865–878.
Call-Cummings, M., Ní Sheanáin, Ú., & Buttimer, C. (2020). School-based YPAR: negotiating productive tensions of participation and possibility. Educational Action Research, 1–16.
Cochran-Smith, M., & Lytle, S. L. (2009). Inquiry as stance: Practitioner research for the next generation. Teachers College Press.
Cook, A. L., & Krueger-Henney, P. (2017). Group work that examines systems of power with young people: Youth participatory action research. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 42(2), 176–193.
Desai, S. R. (2019). Youth participatory action research: The nuts and bolts as well as the roses and thorns. In K. K. Strunk & L. A. Locke (Eds.), Research methods for social justice and equity in education (pp. 125–135). Springer International Publishing.
Domínguez, A. D. (2021). ¡Venceremos!: Challenging school barriers with Latinx youth participatory action research. Journal of Latinos and Education, 1–15.
Dover, A. G., & Schultz, B. D. (2018). Adopting a student‐centered stance in mandate‐centered times. In G. E. Hall, L. F. Quinn, & D. M. Gollnick (Eds.), The Wiley handbook of teaching and learning (pp. 199–223). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Freire, P. (2018/1970). Pedagogy of the oppressed. Bloomsbury Academic.
Gutiérrez, K. D. (2008). Developing a sociocritical literacy in the third space. Reading Research Quarterly, 43(2), 148–164.
Irizarry, J. G. (2009). Reinvigorating multicultural education through youth participatory action research. Multicultural Perspectives, 11(4), 194–199.
Morrell, E. (2008). Six summers of YPAR: Learning, action, and change in urban education. In J. Cammarota & M. Fine (Eds.), Revolutionizing education: Youth participatory action research in motion (pp. 155–187). Routledge.
Pine, G. J. (2009). Teacher action research: Collaborative, participatory, and democratic inquiry. In G. J. Pine (Ed.), Teacher action research: Building knowledge democracies (pp. 29–62). SAGE Publications, Inc.
Souto-Manning, M. (2012). Teacher as researcher: Teacher action research in teacher education. Childhood Education, 88(1), 54–56.